André Krijnen

SharePoint Timer Job deploying on Farm with wrong SPServer

by on Mar.24, 2011, under SharePoint 2010

It started all out with Reporting Services not running Workflows when Integrated, but yet I had still to do some workflow activities. So I thought of using a simple Timer Job that runs every hour or so to check if data has been changed. Well it worked out very well, but when deployed on a farm with multiple servers in it, I get a problem. It started to send e-mails… and not just one every time in the hour, but every content database it ran thru. (After I figured it out on the web by Robin of Sevenseas. Link

So I thought well allright, I should be using the SPJobLockType.Job with a Server specified. Well I did so. And as I did but with the wrong server name. Well it couldn’t be worse, it deployed the Timer Job successfully, and I started to debug. Didn’t notice the wrong server name though, but I set the server name into Title of the Timer Job, to check if the server is specified. Easy trick, easy done.

But what I see is that it added a totally wrong server name. Yes a server name not from the farm, it wasn’t even there in the domain. But still no error messages, and the timer job still runs like a charm. Yes you can fool the OWSTimer with wrong SPServer specified… because it doesn’t validate it.

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