André Krijnen

Restore Site SharePoint 2010 issues with site collection owners

by on Sep.27, 2011, under SharePoint 2010, SharePoint Foundation

We’ve had some multiple issues regarding the Site Collection owners, and we had to fix these in a fashioned time. After restoring we had the issue that we couldn’t change the primary and secondary site collection Administrators. So it was difficult where the bug was for us. But it wasn’t a bug.

After a new fresh install of the SP farm we still had these problems… so we had to search it out. After a long search it seemed that the UserAccountDirectoryPath was the issue. When the User Account Directory Path is filled in the table [dbo].[AllSites] of your content database you can do what you want, but you can’t change the owners.

So we had to remove the UserAccountDirectoryPath: Set-SPSite -Identity “http://site” -UserAccountDirectoryPath “”

And voìla it was fixed. With two Quotes it removes the UserAccountDirectoryPath. You have to this allways if you’re restoring your Site Collection to another farm.

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