André Krijnen

My SharePoint-Sites doesn’t update

by on Jan.30, 2008, under MOSS

I discovered a problem with the My SharePoint-Sites. Someone at the company I work for discovered that he had alot of sites in his SharePoint-Sites webpart at his My Site. So that shouldn’t be a problem I thought. Well it was…

I deleted a subsite of our company intranet, because we decided that the site needed his own dns and database, because it was growing to large. After two weeks we found out that the SharePoint-Sites didn’t update and when we hitted on of these sites we got an error. So, I thought it was maybe a My Site related issue. I deleted his My Site, because it didn’t have alot of information on and added his My Site to new.

Still the same problems came forward, so I decided to hit for it. Well maybe I didn’t seek good enough, but maybe it was related to the search engine. So I decided to reset all the crawled content. After an hour I checked back on the My Site, but still the same problem exists.

Allright, so I decided to look in the help of the stsadm utility. Things that could help I sought on Well after a couple of searches I found out the following command:

stsadm -o sync -deleteolddatabases 0

In the ssp database you have the table ’sitesynch’ and holds the information for all synchronized information over your SharePoint sites and My Sites. This article mentioned also that sometimes the synchronization table isn’t sychronized. Well after an hour I checked back at the My Site and saw that the SharePoint-Sites didn’t appear anymore.

The job related to this is the â œProfile Synchronizationâ timer job

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