André Krijnen

Windows 7 Installation

by on Oct.12, 2009, under Hardware, maintenance, Software

Well finally I had the time to make a clean install for Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

It took me 1,5 half hour to be up and running again… that means Install Windows 7, full updates, Office 2007 Ultimate and MSN to work with.
Well that wasn’t to hard, except for the Realtek RTL8111 drivers for my LAN. The drivers supplied by Microsoft Update ruined the LAN connection, so I had to download new drivers from Realtek by itself.

After that I was happy that I finally installed it 🙂

Update: 10/15/2009 12:16 AM

So the first important things I’ve noticed is:

  • Network connections are stable, and no disconnected FTP transfers
  • System is not slow when going out of sleep mode
  • VMWare workstation seems to working better
  • When doing multiple processes like decompressing (WinRar) and opening a Solution with Visual Studio 2008 doesn’t cause any lack on WinRar
  • No unresponsive mouse when updating(installing) Windows patches and what so ever
  • Java seems not using big amounts of memory like in Windows Vista
  • Now let’s keep playing with Windows 7.

    Owwh yeah my system configuration:

    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 940
    Mainboard: Gigagyte GA-MA790GP-DS4H RF3
    Memory: OCZ DDR2-800 Reaper 4x2GB CL4 OCZ2RPR800C44GK
    Graphics cards: 2xSapphire 4850 1GB
    Disk config: 3x320gb RAID 5 for OS
    Disk config 2: 3x1TB RAID 5 for DATA
    Sound: Soundblaster 2 Audigy 24bit Advanced
    Screens: 2x IIyama 26″


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